Popular Technology.net has been referenced by over 300 independent sources in books, scholarly peer-reviewed journals and news media publications; by public policy organizations, think tanks and political organizations; and by politicians, scientists and members of the technology community.
"Investigative journalists at Popular Technology looked into precisely which papers were classified within Cook's asserted 97 percent." - James Taylor, Forbes
"Popular Technology.net features scientists ...who deny that their scientific papers affirm the man-made global warming hypothesis." - Dennis Prager, Jewish Journal
"Back in the 1970s, the media often promoted the idea that the globe would be freezing over, reports Popular Technology," - Sandy Fitzgerald, Newsmax
Table of Contents:
Book Coverage
Journal Coverage
Media Coverage
Newsletter Coverage
Organization Coverage
Political Coverage
Professional Coverage
Radio Coverage
Resource Coverage
Scientist Coverage
Tech Coverage
Theological Coverage
University Coverage
Weblog Coverage
Book Coverage:
- 2010 - Climate: The Counter-consensus (Robert M. Carter Ph.D.) (Australia) - [Archive]
- 2010 - Climat, Mensonges et Propagande [Climate Lies and Propaganda] (Hacène Arezki Ph.D.) (France) - [Archive]
- 2010 - The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy (Jim Marrs B.A.) - [Archive]
- 2010 - Das Kapitalismus-Komplott: Die geheimen Zirkel der Macht und ihre Methoden [The Capitalist Plane: The Secret Circles of Power and its Methods] (Oliver Janich, Journalist) (Germany) - [Archive]
- 2011 - A Climate For Change: A Novel of Australia (Peter O'Brien Lt. Col.) (Australia) - [Archive]
- 2012 - Extreme Environment: How environmental exaggeration harms emerging economies (Ivo Vegter, Journalist) (South Africa) - [Archive]
- 2012 - User Generated Content: High-impact Emerging Technology (Kevin Roebuck)
- 2012 - Watermelons: How Environmentalists are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing Your Children's Future (James Delingpole B.A.) (United Kingdom) - [Archive]
- 2013 - L'Innocence du Carbone: L'effet de serre remis en question [The Innocence of Carbon: Greenhouse effect questioned] (Francois Gervais Ph.D.) (France)
- 2014 - The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels (Alex Epstein B.A.) - [Archive]
- 2015 - The Declaration of Dependence: A Betrayal of the American Dream (Salvatore Martingano D.C.) - [Archive]
- 2015 - The Global Warming Scam and the Climate Change Superscam (Vincent R. Gray Ph.D.) (Australia) - [Archive]
- 2015 - The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication (Anders Hansen M.A.; Robert Cox Ph.D.) - [Archive]
- 2015 - Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming: The NIPCC Report on Scientific Consensus (Craig D. Idso Ph.D.; Robert M. Carter Ph.D.; S. Fred Singer Ph.D.) - [Archive]
- 2016 - Cooperative for Enhanced Survival in the Twenty-First Century (Earl Willis B.S.) - [Archive]
- 2016 - Liars: How Progressives Exploit Our Fears for Power and Control (Glenn Beck) - [Archive]
- 2016 - Living in the Brain of Science and Engineering: The Power of Scientific Thinking to Live the World Deeper and Useful (Wan Wei River Ph.D.) (China) - [Archive]
- 2017 - Anthropocene Reading: Literary History in Geologic Times (Tobias Menely Ph.D.; Jesse Oak Taylor Ph.D.) - [Archive]
- 2018 - Energie und Klima: Chancen, Risiken, Mythen [Energy and Climate: Opportunities, Risks, Myths] (Horst-Joachim Lüdecke Ph.D.) (Germany) - [Archive]
- 2018 - L'urgence climatique est un leurre [The climate emergency is a decoy] (Francois Gervais Ph.D.) (France) - [Archive]
- 2018 - The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change: Bonus Chapter (Marc Morano) - [Archive]
- 2019 - Climate Change Baffles Brains (L. Rowand Archer) - [Archive]
- 2019 - Climate Change Scepticism: A Transnational Ecocritical Analysis (Greg Garrard; Axel Goodbody; George B. Handley; Stephanie Posthumus) - [Archive]
- 2019 - Conspiracies of Conspiracies: Delusions Have Overrun America (Thomas Konda Ph.D.) - [Archive]
- 2019 - Truth Bombs: Confronting the Lies Conservatives Believe (To Our Own Demise) (Steve Deace) - [Archive]
- 2020 - Die Bedrohung der Freiheit [The Threat to Freedom] (Maximilian Forckenbeck) - [Archive]
- 2021 - Climate Rationality From Bias to Balance (Jason S. Johnston Ph.D.) - [Archive]
- 2022 - Impasses climatiques [Climatic Impasses] (Francois Gervais Ph.D.) (France) - [Archive]
- 2023 - Hayekian Systems Research into the Structure of Social Interaction (William N. Butos Ph.D.; Thomas J. McQuade Ph.D.) - [Archive]
- 2023 - Le déraisonnement climatique [Climate Unreason] (Francois Gervais Ph.D.) (France) - [Archive]
Journal Coverage:
Climate - Ninety-Nine Percent? Re-Examining the Consensus on the Anthropogenic Contribution to Climate Change (October 2023) [Archive]
Człowiek w Kulturze (Poland) - Climate-change education: more ideology than science? (2020) - (PDF) [Archive]
Earth-Science Reviews - Anthropogenic CO2 warming challenged by 60-year cycle (April 2016) [Archive]
Earth System Dynamics - Comment on "'Agnotology: learning from mistakes' by R. E. Benestad, H. O. Hygen, R. van Dorland, J. Cook, and D. Nuccitelli" (July 2013) - (PDF) [Archive]
Energy & Environment - Fuel for Thought (July 2011) - [Archive]
Energy & Environment - On the Public's Perception of Global Warming: Not as 'Dumb' as Some Believe (July 2012) - [Archive]
Energy & Environment - Science Debates Must Continue (December 2012) - [Archive]
Energy & Environment - Fuel for Thought 24/5 Mid-April to Mid-June 2013 (September 2013) - [Archive]
Energy & Environment - Modern Environmentalism: A Longer Term Threat to Western Civilization (October 2013) - (PDF) [Archive]
Energy Policy - Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the literature: A re-analysis (October 2014) - (PDF) [Archive]
Environmental Sciences Proceedings - Sustainability as an Aspect of Societal Quality (June 2022) - [Archive]
International Journal of Modern Physics B - Tiny warming of residual anthropogenic CO2 (May 2014) - [Archive]
Journal of Environmental Solutions for Oil, Gas, and Mining - Legal Basics for CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery (2016) - (PDF) [Archive]
Journal of Sustainable Development - The Scientific Case Against Net Zero: Falsifying the Greenhouse Gas Hypothesis (2024) - (PDF) [Archive]
La Météorologie (France) - Commentaire sur « Lu pour vous : L'Innocence du carbone » (August 2014) - (PDF) [Archive]
The Independent Review - Causes and Consequences of the Climate Science Boom (Fall 2015) - (PDF) [Archive]
E-print Journals:
The General Science Journal - Archibald Roy, the astronomers and the global warming (August, 2014) - [Archive]
Technical Reports:
Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria) - Publication Bias: Identification of the Internet Community (PDF) (February 2013) - [Archive]
Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands) - How to Deal With the Dilemma of Anthropogenic Global Warming and the Natural Variability as Drivers for Climate Change (PDF) (November 2011) - [Archive]
SINTEF (Norway) - Consensus and Controversy: The Debate on Man-Made Global Warming (PDF) (April 2013) - [Archive]
National Technical University of Ukraine (Ukraine) - Instrumental means for analysis of web sites (PDF) (2016) - [Archive]
North Carolina State University (M.A.) - Climate of Doubt in North Carolina: Sea Level Rise, Economic Interests, and the Media (PDF) (March 16, 2015) - [Archive]
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovakia) - Possibilities of Protecting Personal Computers Connected to Network (March 2010) - (PDF) [Archive]
West Virginia University (Ph.D.) - Climate Change, Capitalism, and Citizen Science: Developing a dialectical framework for examining volunteer participation in climate change research (2016) - [Archive]
Trade Journals:
Australian Nursing Journal (Australia) - Climate change: evidence or opinion (February 2012) - [Archive]
Spain College of Civil Engineers ROP Journal (Spain) - Una ventana al escepticismo climático (PDF) (October 2014) - [Archive]
Media Coverage:
Accuracy in Media - Princeton Professor Embraces 9/11 Conspiracy Movement (September 16, 2013) - [Archive]
Adirondack Explorer - Man-made climate change unproven (April 2016) - [Archive]
AlterNet - Climate Deniers Take Their Act to Vegas (July 8, 2014)
American Thinker - Jumping the Shark on Global Warming (August 30, 2013) - [Archive]
American Thinker - 'Mississippi Baby' Demonstrates That Real Science Is Rarely Settled (July 16, 2014) - [Archive]
American Thinker - Things Your Professor Didn't Tell You About Climate Change (February 3, 2018) - [Archive]
AmmoLand Shooting Sports News - Why Moral Values Matter (March 20, 2015) - [Archive]
Atlantico (France) - Réchauffement climatique : le point sur ce qui est établi et ce qui ne l'est pas (September 27, 2013) - [Archive]
BarbWire - Ghost Hunters Meteorological: Seeking the Elusive Global Warming Ghost (February 20, 2014) - [Archive]
BBC (UK) - The State of Science on Climate Change (December 7, 2009)
Børsen (Denmark) - Nej, der findes ikke en klimakonsensus bestående af 97,1 pct. af forskerne (May 22, 2017) - [Archive]
Breitbart - Princeton Professor Embraces 9/11 Conspiracy Movement (September 12, 2013) - [Archive]
Breitbart - Nate Silver Capitulates, Throws Staffer to the Green Activists (March 28, 2014) - [Archive]
Breitbart London - Climate Change 'as Certain as Auschwitz,' Claims Guardian (March 22, 2014) - [Archive]
Business Spectator (Australia) - An Orwellian climate (September 23, 2011)
Canada Free Press (Canada) - Open letter to Mr. Achim Steiner - Executive Director, UNEP (December 2, 2009) - [Archive]
Canada Free Press (Canada) - America Loves Booze and Pot (April 15, 2014) - [Archive]
Canada Free Press (Canada) - Why moral values matter (March 19, 2015) - [Archive]
Capitalism Magazine - Gore’s Wishes are Your Commands (March 10, 2010) - [Archive]
Clash Daily - Conservatives and Christians – the "Anti-Science" Idiots? (March 12, 2014) - [Archive]
Contrepoints (France) - Réchauffement, la presse ne sait même plus désinformer (January 21, 2011) - [Archive]
Contrepoints (France) - La science au service de la raison (January 30, 2011) - [Archive]
Contrepoints (France) - 2014 : l’année la plus chaude jamais enregistrée… ou peut-être pas (January 20, 2015) - [Archive]
Contrepoints (France) - Quand la science s’égare (fin) (August 3, 2015) - [Archive]
Contrepoints (France) - Face à la question climatique, la politique doit changer (5/5) (January 29, 2016) - [Archive]
Daily Kos - Climate Denial: Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Exxon (May 10, 2011)
Daily Kos - And weathermen lie, cats and dogs don't fall from the sky... (March 23, 2014)
Daily Kos - Funded Online Smear Campaign Targets Prominent Koch-Critic SourceWatch (January 17, 2016)
Daily Maverick (South Africa) - The toothless climate change agenda (December 15, 2014) - [Archive]
De Dagelijkse Standaard (Netherlands) - Klimaatdiscussie en georchestreerde karaktermoord (November 3, 2010) - [Archive]
De Dagelijkse Standaard (Netherlands) - De hoofdboodschap van 'De Twijfelbrigade' deugt niet (April 26, 2014) - [Archive]
Die Achse des Guten (Germany) - Klima: Pläne und Prognosen gehen in die Hosen (July 4, 2016) - [Archive]
Die Freie Welt (Germany) - 97 % sind nicht genug! Jetzt sollen es 99,84 % sein. (August 29, 2019) - [Archive]
Die Weltwoche (Switzerland) - Skeptiker im Aufwind (September 25, 2013) - [Archive]
Doorbraak (Belgium) - Geert Noels en Frank Deboosere gaan over de schreef (March 27, 2016) - [Archive]
E&E News - Trump's chosen regulator an unabashed coal booster (December 11, 2017) - [Archive]
EcoWatch - Climate Denial Goes Vegas (July 8, 2014)
eigentümlich frei (Germany) - Klimaerwärmung, Teil 3: Die Politik (December 18, 2009) - [Archive]
eigentümlich frei (Germany) - Bundestag: Die Grünen und die Grenzen der Allmacht (November 9, 2010) - [Archive]
eigentümlich frei (Germany) - "Klimaschutz": Billionen für nichts (February 27, 2011) - [Archive]
European Scientist (France) - "100% consensus on the Anthropogenic Global Warming? A skeptical examination (August 27, 2021) - [Archive]
Forbes - Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent Consensus' Claims (May 30, 2013) - [Archive]
Forbes - '97% Of Climate Scientists Agree' Is 100% Wrong (January 6, 2015) - [Archive]
Fox Business - Facebook slammed for stifling 'wrong-think' on climate change (November 4, 2021) - [Archive]
Fox News - Surprise, Surprise, Many Scientists Disagree On Global Warming (December 8, 2009) - [Archive]
Fox News - Paris climate deal: Nothing but hot air (December 15, 2015) - [Archive]
Gun Rights Examiner - Climate change hypocrisy ignores environmental impact of illegal immigration (March 16, 2015) - [Archive]
Heartlander Magazine - Hillary Clinton Visits Wrong Place to Observe Global Warming (June 8, 2012) - [Archive]
Heartlander Magazine - Climate Alarmists Caught Doctoring ’97-Percent Consensus’ Claims (May 29, 2013) - [Archive]
Heartlander Magazine - Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97 Percent Consensus’ Claims (May 31, 2013) - [Archive]
Heartlander Magazine - Climate Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97 Percent Consensus’ Claims (June 18, 2013) - [Archive]
Heartlander Magazine - John Kerry Sinks to Climate McCarthyism (February 24, 2014) - [Archive]
Heartlander Magazine - U.S. National Academy of Sciences Promoting Global Warming Scare (March 12, 2014) - [Archive]
Heartlander Magazine - America Loves Booze and Pot (April 16, 2014) - [Archive]
Heartlander Magazine - What 97 Percent of Climate Scientists Do (May 12, 2014) - [Archive]
Heartlander Magazine - Chilling Scientific Inquiry (April 22, 2016) - [Archive]
Herald Sun (Australia) - Just a few thousand of the sceptical scientists the ABC can’t find (November 1, 2007) - [Archive]
Herald Sun (Australia) - The papers Karoly didn't see (November 15, 2009) - [Archive]
Herald Sun (Australia) - That 97 per cent claim: four problems with Cook and Obama (May 22, 2013) - [Archive]
Herald Sun (Australia) - Paul Barry demonstrates the ABC’s shocking group think on global warming (September 24, 2013) - [Archive]
Herald Sun (Australia) - Who is the ABC's Alberici of the right? (April 23, 2014) - [Archive]
Herald Sun (Australia) - Did Andrew O’Keefe really use a dodgy survey to dismiss a known fact? (May 24, 2014) - [Archive]
Hot Air - Poll: When will you switch to Windows 7? (October 12, 2009) - [Archive]
Hot Air - What the mainstream media wont tell you about global warming (November 17, 2014) - [Archive]
Hot Air - Don't look now but the Earth is getting greener (April 27, 2016) - [Archive]
Hot Air - Harris to Pompeo: Repent, climate heretic (January 12, 2017) - [Archive]
Hufvudstadsbladet (Finland) - Skeptiker godtar inte blint all information (March 22, 2013) - [Archive]
Human Events - Climate Alarmists Caught Doctoring ‘97 Percent Consensus’ Claims (January 18, 2013) - [Archive]
Inside Sources - A Climate Cabal’s Political Vendetta (September 5, 2017) - [Archive]
Investor's Business Daily - Memo To Global Warming Alarmists: Science Is Often Wrong (March 3, 2015) - [Archive]
Investor's Business Daily - Jeb Bush Gets A Bit Heated Up By Carbon Dioxide (April 21, 2015) - [Archive]
Jewish Journal - Global warming revisited (April 2, 2014) - [Archive]
Jewish World Review - Hot air in Paris (December 15, 2015) - [Archive]
Liberté (Algeria) - Le Pr Gervais conteste les "vérités" du réchauffement climatique (December 9, 2016) - [Archive]
Lidové noviny (Czech Republic) - KLIMA: Opravdu 97 procent? (May 12, 2017) - [Archive]
Linkedin - Climate consensus the 97 % - really? (January 14, 2016) - [Archive]
Mail Today (India) - We need to take a hard look at climate change (December 11, 2009) - [Archive]
Maryknoll Magazine - Climate Controversy (March 1, 2023) - [Archive]
Media Matters - Climate Denial Goes Vegas (July 7, 2014)
National Review - Peer-Reviewed Climate Skepticism (December 1, 2009)- [Archive]
National Review - The Great Climate Lie (November 14, 2015)- [Archive]
NewsBusters - COLD SHOULDER: ABC, CBS Exclude Scientists Critical of Global Warming for More Than 1,300 Days (March 6, 2014) - [Archive]
NewsBusters - Bill Press: Reagan Removed Solar Panels from White House Because He was Climate Change Skeptic (May 15, 2014) - [Archive]
NewsBusters - Media Praise BBC Censorship of Climate Skeptics; Attack Dissenters (July 8, 2014) - [Archive]
NewsBusters - Wrong, Bill Maher - Reporting in '70s on Global Cooling Not Limited to Single Story in Newsweek (April 18, 2015) - [Archive]
NewsBusters - Press Ignores Sheldon Whitehouse's Call For DOJ to Sue 'Vast' Global Warming 'Denial Apparatus' (June 27, 2015) - [Archive]
NewsBusters - Climate Pact Is Just Hot Air In Paris (December 16, 2015) - [Archive]
Newsmax - Cornel West Encourages 9/11 Conspiracy Theories (September 13, 2013) - [Archive]
Newsmax - Cool Heels on Climate Change Actions, Skeptics Say (April 18, 2014) - [Archive]
Newsmax - Climate Change Remains Unsettled, Say 31,072 Scientists (May 20, 2014) - [Archive]
Newsmax - Researchers: Earth Facing Imminent Ice Age (July 11, 2015) - [Archive]
NewsMonkey (Belgium) - Greenpeace en andere milieuorganisaties bedreigen onze welvaart en vooruitgang (February 26, 2015)
Newsweek - Should Global Warming Deniers Be Prosecuted? (April 24, 2016) - [Archive]
NOS (Netherlands) - Geen marginalisering van sceptici? Kom nou! (December 7, 2009) - [Archive]
PJ Media - All Your Emails Are Belong To Us (November 23, 2009) - [Archive]
PJ Media - London Daily Mail Falls for Photoshop Hoax (March 17, 2013) - [Archive]
PJ Media - Eight False Pretenses Liberals Use to Frame an Argument (April 30, 2017) - [Archive]
PJ Media - Libertarian Group Demands NASA Remove False '97 Percent Consensus' Global Warming Claim (July 10, 2019) - [Archive]
Policy & Issues Examiner - As second-term 'crumbles,' Obama will promote a 'myth' to salvage his 'legacy' (November 10, 2013) - [Archive]
Power Line - The Global Cooling Scare Revisited (March 1, 2013) - [Archive]
Quadrant Magazine (Australia) - Why Barry Jones is wrong (December 21, 2009) - [Archive]
Quadrant Magazine (Australia) - The Critical Decade: Part I (May 30, 2011) - [Archive]
Quadrant Magazine (Australia) - On suffering fools (September 10, 2012) - [Archive]
Quadrant Magazine (Australia) - The Little Paper That Shames the Dailies (February 13, 2015) - [Archive]
Quadrant Magazine (Australia) - Lateline, a Climate Change Casualty (October 12th 2017) - [Archive]
RedState - Some Thoughts on Copenhagen and Climate Change (December 14, 2009) - [Archive]
RedState - The Ann G.W. Curry Global Warming Dog and Poney Show (April 5, 2014) - [Archive]
Right Side News - UN Data shows 'Warming has Stopped!' (December 3, 2008) - [Archive]
Right Side News - Princeton Professor Embraces 9/11 Conspiracy Movement (September 13, 2013) - [Archive]
Right Wing News - Why Can't We Question Man Made Global Warming? (December 9, 2009) - [Archive]
Right Wing News - The Goracle's Crystal Ball Lets Him Down Yet Again (December 15, 2009) - [Archive]
Right Wing News - Sunday, December 21, 2014 (December 21, 2014) - [Archive]
Souverän Magazine (Germany) - Climate sceptics continue to dismiss scientific 'farce' [tinyurl] (PDF) (March, 2015) - [Archive]
Stavanger Aftenblad (Norway) - Alternative klimapåstander (December 6, 2017)
Swissinfo (Switzerland) - Climate sceptics continue to dismiss scientific 'farce' (October 31, 2014) - [Archive]
Tea Party News Network - America Loves Booze and Pot, But What Will be the Long-Term Effect? (April 15, 2014) - [Archive]
The Blaze - 4 Lies from Obama's State of the Union (January 13, 2016) - [Archive]
The Conversation - An Orwellian climate (September 22, 2011)
The Courier Mail (Australia) - Just a few thousand of the sceptical scientists the ABC can’t find (November 1, 2007) - [Archive]
The Courier Mail (Australia) - The papers Karoly didn’t see (November 15, 2009) - [Archive]
The Courier Mail (Australia) - That 97 per cent claim: four problems with Cook and Obama (May 22, 2013) - [Archive]
The Courier Mail (Australia) - Paul Barry demonstrates the ABC’s shocking group think on global warming (September 24, 2013) - [Archive]
The Courier Mail (Australia) - Did Andrew O’Keefe really use a dodgy survey to dismiss a known fact? (May 24, 2014) - [Archive]
The Daily Caller - NASA Hedges: 2014 Is The Hottest Year On Record… Or Is It? (January 19, 2015) - [Archive]
The Daily Caller - Most Debunked Global Warming Paper Ever Passes Half Million Download Mark (June 24 ,2016) - [Archive]
The Daily Signal - Today’s Calamity: A Pollution Reduction Bill? (October 1, 2009) - [Archive]
The Daily Signal - ‘Twitter Files’ Reveal How the Left Uses Big Tech to Create an Illusion of Scientific Consensus and Stifle Debate, Especially on COVID-19 (January 3, 2023) - [Archive]
The Daily Telegraph (UK) - Climategate: the corruption of Wikipedia (December 22, 2009) - [Archive]
The Daily Telegraph (Australia) - Do not speak of it (August 14, 2016) - [Archive]
The Dominion Post (New Zealand) - The jury's out on climate change (September 19, 2013) - [Archive]
The Epoch Times - What My Experience Preventing Wildfires in Colorado Taught Me About Maui and Climate Change (August 30, 2023) - [Archive]
The Guardian - 97% global warming consensus meets resistance from scientific denialism (May 28, 2013)
The Hill - Where's the proof climate change causes the polar vortex? (January 10, 2018) - [Archive]
The Huffington Post (Canada) - Changement climatique: l'inquisition verte (July 12, 2014) - [Archive]
The Huffington Post (Canada) - 2014: l'année la plus chaude jamais enregistrée... ou peut-être pas (March 21, 2015) - [Archive]
The New American - Climate "Consensus" Con Game: Desperate Effort Before Release of UN Report (May 22, 2013) - [Archive]
The New American - Cooking Climate Consensus Data: “97% of Scientists Affirm AGW" Debunked (June 5, 2013) - [Archive]
The Objective Standard - Thinking Critically about Climate Change (October 23, 2020) - [Archive]
The Patriot Post - A Compilation of News Articles on the Global Cooling Scare of the 1970's (March 4, 2013) - [Archive]
The Patriot Post - Climate Change Revisited (April 15, 2014) - [Archive]
The Philadelphia Inquirer - Climate Change Deniers Not as Prolific as Cold Fusion Proponents (August 8, 2012)
The Philadelphia Trumpet - 'Because I Said So' (May-June 2015) - [Archive]
The Register (UK) - 'Ex climate sceptic' Muller's latest BEST stuff is the worst so far (July 31, 2012) - [Archive]
The Skeptic (Australia) - John Happs replies to Robert O'Connor & Martin Bridgstock (PDF) (March 2013) - [Archive]
The Washington Free Beacon - Group Asks NASA to Remove Dubious Climate Change Stat (July 10, 2019) - [Archive]
The Washington Times - The tip of the Climategate iceberg (December 11, 2009) - [Archive]
The Washington Times - 9th International Conference on Climate Change (PDF) (June 26, 2014) - [Archive]
The Washington Times - NASA fights campaign to remove 97% climate-change claim as 'consensus' challenged (April 14, 2020) - [Archive]
Toronto Sun - Glen Murray, reality denier (September 17, 2016) - [Archive]
Townhall - CNN’s Town Hall on Climate Change Revealed More Than Intended (September 6, 2019) - [Archive]
Tribune de Genève (Switzerland) - Darius et l'ours polaire 3 (January 18, 2018) - [Archive]
TruthRevolt - Climate Change Crazies To WAPO: Stop Publishing Krauthammer's Global Warming 'Lies' (February 24, 2014) - [Archive]
TruthRevolt - Kerry's '97% Global Warming Consensus' is a Misquote of a Flawed Study (May 27, 2014) - [Archive]
TruthRevolt - Meghan McCain Finds Solution To Convincing Republicans Global Warming Is 'Like' Real (September 23, 2014) - [Archive]
Uday India (India) - Copenhagen or Flopenhagen? (January 2, 2010) - [Archive]
Valeurs actuelles (France) - Du réchauffement climatique et de la difficulté du débat (October 15, 2018) - [Archive]
Verdict Justia - Chilling Scientific Inquiry (April 19, 2016) - [Archive]
Web Commentary - What 97 Percent of Climate Scientists Do (June 29, 2014) - [Archive]
Western Journalism - Logical Fallacies and Global Warming Alarmism (July 13, 2013) - [Archive]
WorldNetDaily - New Inquisition: Punish climate-change 'deniers' (March 21, 2015) - [Archive]
24.UNT (Uppsala, Sweden) - Ifrågasätt påståendet att människan påverkar klimatet (February 3, 2012) - [Archive]
Athens Patch (Georgia) - Man-Made Global Warming: Settled Science? (September 27, 2012) - [Archive]
Atlanta Holistic Health Examiner (Georgia) - Bill Nye wants to jail people who don’t believe in global warming gate (April 18, 2016) - [Archive]
Avisa Nordland (Bodø, Norway) - Svindelen bak 97% konsensus (January 22, 2018) - [Archive]
Boston Environmental Policy Examiner (Massachusetts) - Global warming skeptics: witch-hunts in the 21st century (July 29, 2012) - [Archive]
Boston Environmental Policy Examiner (Massachusetts) - New study dismantles Muller's BEST claims; half the warming trend artificial (July 30, 2012) - [Archive]
Boston Environmental Policy Examiner (Massachusetts) - Gore: Don't blame Bush for everything, then blames global warming for everything (August 30, 2012) - [Archive]
Boston Environmental Policy Examiner (Massachusetts) - How to kill the scientific method the reddit way (December 18, 2013) - [Archive]
Boston Environmental Policy Examiner (Massachusetts) - Why New England's warm weather has nothing to do with global warming (December 23, 2015) - [Archive]
California Political Review (California) - Meghan McCain: Climate Change NOT About Environment—It is About "CULTURE" (September 26, 2014) - [Archive]
California Political Review (California) - Ted Cruz Is Correct, The '97% of Scientists Agree With Climate Change' Study is Bogus (October 14, 2015) - [Archive]
Carolina Journal (North Carolina) - Balance Needed on Coverage of Sea Level Rise (June 15, 2012) - [Archive]
Cleveland Photography Examiner (Ohio) - Is the media a co-conspirator in the global warming deception? (December 15, 2009)
Coastal Point (Delaware) - Climate change still much discussed (September 19, 2014) - [Archive]
Gulf Coast News (Mississippi) - Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker says U.S. Should Not Sign Climate Pact - Cites Faulty Science (December 15, 2009) - [Archive]
Hastings & St. Leonards Observer (Hastings, UK) - Climate change: the sceptics need a voice (January 11, 2010) - [Archive]
Hawaii Reporter (Hawaii) - The Scandals of the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change [tinyurl] (October 25, 2010) - [Archive]
Historic City News (Florida) - Letter: Human induced global warming (March 19, 2014) - [Archive]
Idaho Press-Tribune (Idaho) - There's ample reason to doubt 'truth' of global warming (December 31, 2009) - [Archive]
Kansas State Collegian (Kansas) - Green genocide (November 10, 2011) - [Archive]
Lancaster Online (Ohio) - Correcting the record on climate change (August 2, 2017) - [Archive]
Laramie Boomerang (Wyoming) - Many scientists question human-caused climate change (July 1, 2014) - [Archive]
Logan Daily News (Ohio) - Ninety-seven percent of what? (July 1, 2018) - [Archive]
Manassas Environmental News Examiner (Virginia) - Ignoring scientific facts, the UN attempts global governance coup at Rio + 20 (June 22, 2012) - [Archive]
Manassas Environmental News Examiner (Virginia) - Conservative group at George Mason University pushes for U.S. carbon tax (July 14, 2012) - [Archive]
Marietta Daily Journal (Georgia) - Climate-Changers busy twisting data (March 16, 2014) - [Archive]
Mountain News (California) - Some Facts To Know Before November (April 17, 2014) - [Archive]
NewsOK (Oklahoma) - View science with healthy skepticism (May 13, 2013) - [Archive]
North County Times (California) - Must warmers always resort to deflection? (September 28, 2011) - [Archive]
Northridge-Chatsworth Patch (California) - Secrets of a "Global Warming Denier" (March 23, 2014) - [Archive]
Orange County Register (California) - Climate claptrap (December 14, 2015) - [Archive]
Pittsburgh City Paper (Pennsylvania) - Unpacking state Rep. Matt Baker's medical-marijuana research (June 3, 2015)
Richmond Times-Dispatch (Virginia) - Mann's data left out MedievalWarm Period (March 8, 2016)
Summit Daily News (Colorado) - Letter to the editor: Many inaccuracies in Colorado River Basin talk (September 22, 2019) - [Archive]
Star-News (North Carolina) - Letters: Socialism is not the answer, First Lady deserves cover, and more (April 24, 2019) - [Archive]
Statesman Journal (Oregon) - Climate change as dissociation (December 13, 2015) - [Archive]
Statesman Journal (Oregon) - Why I’m a global warming skeptic (March 9, 2017) - [Archive]
The Bismarck Tribune (North Dakota) - Concern over pope's action (July 11, 2015) - [Archive]
The Border Mail (Albury–Wodonga, Australia) - Find the truth before we pay (October 18, 2010) - [Archive]
The Columbian (Washington) - Turlay's concerns about the voter-approved "plague" (April 16, 2014) - [Archive]
The Gisborne Herald (Gisborne, New Zealand) - Concerted efforts to squash research that threatens Warmism (July 2, 2011) - [Archive]
The Joplin Globe (Missouri) - Geoff Caldwell: Ike warned; when will we listen? (June 7, 2015) - [Archive]
The Laconia Daily Sun (New Hampshire) - Earth's temp change over last 100 years was in normal range (May 29, 2015) - [Archive]
The Laconia Daily Sun (New Hampshire) - Burden of 'Climate Con' estimated at $3,000 per year, per family (July 2, 2015) - [Archive]
The Lakeland Times (Wisconsin) - 'Scientific Consensus' is an oxymoron (March 17, 2014) - [Archive]
The Landmark (Missouri) - Remember, if you want to save a species, eat it (May 28, 2014) - [Archive]
The News Herald (Florida) - Climate change debate continues (February 6, 2015) - [Archive]
The News & Advance (Virginia) - Writer: Science far from settled (November 5, 2015) - [Archive]
The News & Observer (North Carolina) - Zane: Constant study, not crystal balls, the right call on climate (May 20, 2014) - [Archive]
The Oakland Observer (Michigan) - OPINION: Hello, I’m climate change! Formerly known as ‘global warming,’ formerly known as ‘global cooling’ (March 28, 2017) - [Archive]
The Port Charlotte Sun (Florida) - Fight back against climate change movement (January 20, 2020) - [Archive]
The Providence Journal (Rhode Island) - Respect for truth and integrity (October 12, 2015) - [Archive]
The Roanoke Times (Virginia) - Mayo: Global, not local, trends key to climate (May 7, 2014) - [Archive]
The Times (Illinois) - SOAPBOX: Global warming? The book is not closed (August 21, 2015) - [Archive]
The Valley Breeze (Rhode Island) - 'Anti-science' column 'an embarrassment' (May 21, 2014) - [Archive]
The Virginia Free Citizen (Virginia) - Car Dealer Congressman a Total Hypocrite on Global Warming, Won’t Answer Questions (December 7, 2015) - [Archive]
Västerbottens-Kuriren (Västerbotten, Sweden) - Solvariationer förklarar temperatursvängningar (January 8, 2015) - [Archive]
Walla Walla Union-Bulletin (Washington) - Letter - Column on climate is erroneous or a lie (July 25, 2015) - [Archive]
Walla Walla Union-Bulletin (Washington) - Letter - CO2 is not carbon (September 6, 2015) - [Archive]
WEWS-TV (Ohio) - 800 reasons to be a Man-Made Global Warming Skeptic (October 18, 2010) - [Archive]
David Icke - Global Cooling in 2009 (January 8, 2010) - [Archive]
Global Research - Global Cooling in 2009 (January 4, 2010) - [Archive]
Information Liberation - Climategate: the corruption of Wikipedia (December 24, 2009) - [Archive]
Infowars - FACT: Only Computer Illiterates believe in "Man-Made" Global Warming (November 4, 2008) - [Archive]
Infowars - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is Not Pollution (November 26, 2008) - [Archive]
Infowars - Obama to Use EPA to Declare CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant (December 7, 2009) - [Archive]
Infowars - Global warming researchers says eating bugs better for environment than eating meat (January 16, 2011) - [Archive]
Nature News - Global warming researchers says eating bugs better for environment than eating meat (January 16, 2011) - [Archive]
Nature News - The climate change agenda exposed: Lowering CO2 will lead to mass starvation, planet-wide food scarcity and the rise of government tyranny (June 13, 2017) - [Archive]
Office of Medical & Scientific Justice - 97 Articles Refuting The '97% Consensus' (December 22, 2014) - [Archive]
Planet Infowars - Global Warming Deniers Should Be Sentenced To Death: Richard Parncutt, Professor Of Systematic Musicology, University Of Graz, Austria CALLS FOR DEATH PENALTY (December 27, 2012) - [Archive]
Prison Planet - FACT: Only Computer Illiterates believe in "Man-Made" Global Warming (November 4, 2008) - [Archive]
Prison Planet - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is Not Pollution (November 26, 2008) - [Archive]
Prison Planet - Obama to Use EPA to Declare CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant (December 7, 2009) - [Archive]
Prison Planet - Global warming researchers says eating bugs better for environment than eating meat (January 16, 2011) - [Archive]
RINF Alternative News - Cooking Climate Consensus Data: “97% of Scientists Affirm AGW" Debunked (June 5, 2013) - [Archive]
Sovereign Independent UK - The 1970's Global Cooling Alarmism (March 2, 2013) - [Archive]
The Liberty Beacon - Obama's New Warming Lie: There's A 99.5% Consensus of Scientists Believing In Climate Change (December 26, 2015) - [Archive]
Newsletter Coverage:
Adelaide Institute (Australia) - Newsletter 569 (PDF) (June 2011) - [Archive]
Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions - AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter (March 11, 2013) - [Archive]
Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions - AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter (March 3, 2014) - [Archive]
Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions - AWED Energy & Environmental Newsletter (January 5, 2015) - [Archive]
American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Environmental Engineering Newsletter (June 10, 2013) - [Archive]
American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Environmental Engineering Newsletter (PDF) (November 23, 2015) - [Archive]
Appalachian Regional Healthcare System - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (March 2015) - [Archive]
Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation - The Concern Connection Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Carbon Sense Coalition (Australia) - Carbon Sense Newsletter (PDF) (March 1, 2014) - [Archive]
Carilion Clinic - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Columbus State Community College - The Matrix Monitor Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Cone Health - ECHOES Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
D. Hugo and Associates - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
EAP Consultants - EAP Connection Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Earth Rainbow Network (Canada) - The Moment of Truth Series #19: The Deeper Perspective (January 9, 2010) - [Archive]
Friends of Science (Canada) - Climate Science Newsletters (PDF) (December 31, 2011) - [Archive]
Friends of Science (Canada) - Climate Science Newsletters (PDF) (December 24, 2012) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - QPR Newsletter (PDF) (Second Quarter, 2014) - [Archive]
Integrated Behavioral Health - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Mary Washington Healthcare - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Mazzitti & Sullivan - Empleado de FrontLine Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
McHenry County College - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
McLaughlin Young Group - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
New Mexico State University - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
North Carolina Department of Public Safety - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (March 2015) - [Archive]
Nvidia - Workplace Employee Newsletter (March 2015) - [Archive]
Reach EAP & Workplace Solutions - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Reliant Behavioral Health - Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Sam Houston State University - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
St. Edward's University - Working Solutions Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
State University of New York at Canton - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
State University of New York at Delhi - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Stony Brook University - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Texas Southern University - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Texas State University - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (March 2015)
The Boat Owners Association of New South Wales (Australia) - Newsletter (PDF) (March 2010) - [Archive]
The Boat Owners Association of New South Wales (Australia) - Newsletter (PDF) (June 2010) - [Archive]
University at Buffalo - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
University of Connecticut - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (March 2015) - [Archive]
University of San Francisco - Workplace Employee Newsletter (March 2015) - [Archive]
U.S. Army (Fort Bragg) - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
U.S. Army (Fort Carson) - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Warren County (New York) - EAP Reaching Out Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Washington and Lee University - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (March 2015) - [Archive]
Westmoreland County (Pennsylvania) - FrontLine Employee Newsletter (March 2015) - [Archive]
WorkLife Hawaii - Hawaii Employee Newsletter (PDF) (March 2015) - [Archive]
Organization Coverage:
Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions - Global Warming (2014) - [Archive]
American Enterprise Institute - Countering Kerry’s Catastrophic Climate Claims (December 11, 2009) - [Archive]
Anglesey Against Wind Turbines (UK) - When does 0.125% equal 97%? (PDF) (September 27, 2013) - [Archive]
Applied Marijuana Research - The Facts About Medical Marijuana (2014) - [Archive]
Association of French-Speaking Climate-Optimists (France) - Le climat "Grande Cause Nationale", Vraiment? (February 12, 2015) - [Archive]
Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (France) - Energie, nature, histoire et géographie (PDF) (March 16, 2011) - [Archive]
Australian Environment Foundation (Australia) - Lecture to Third-Year Engineering Students, UTS (PDF) (February 26, 2010) - [Archive]
Australian Institute for Progress (Australia) - US Senator Kerry's climate nostrums will make the patient worse (March 21, 2014) - [Archive]
Australian Taxpayers' Alliance (Australia) - 900+ Peer reviewed climate sceptical papers (April 30, 2013) - [Archive]
Australian Wool Growers Association (Australia) - '97% Of Climate Scientists Agree' Is 100% Wrong (PDF) (March 22, 2015) - [Archive]
Bio-Med Testing Services - 150 Studies that Demonstrate the Risks of Marijuana (March 25, 2015) - [Archive]
Capital Research Center - Global Cooling is on the way! Give up your freedom NOW! (July 8, 2014) - [Archive]
Capital Research Center - Who Watches the Watchmen? (PDF) (August, 2014) - [Archive]
Capital Research Center - Sunrise Movement Radicals Switch Climate Change to “Climate Justice” (September 17, 2020) - [Archive]
Capital Research Center - Rise of the Eco-Right (PDF) (July, 2021) - [Archive]
Center for Industrial Progress - '97% Of Climate Scientists Agree' Is 100% Wrong (2015) - [Archive]
Clexit Coalition - The Clexit Committee (PDF) (2016) - [Archive]
Climate Realists (Norway) - Sjokk og vantro i media etter Siv Jensens klimaskepsis (April 30, 2015) - [Archive]
Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow - Over 450 Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers Challenging Man-Made Global Warming (October 30, 2009) - [Archive]
Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow - 700 Papers Supporting Climate Realism (April 26, 2010) - [Archive]
Competitive Enterprise Institute - The ultimate censored climate video collection (January 8, 2008) - [Archive]
Competitive Enterprise Institute - Re: Information Quality Act Correction Request Regarding NASA’s Claim that 97 Percent of Scientists Agree on Anthropogenic Global Warming (July 9, 2019) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Brief an Umweltminister Roettgen als Nachtrag zum „Energiepolitischer Dialog der CDU /CSU Bundestagsfraktion“ vom 9.6.10 (July 12, 2010) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Kein Konsens, früher nicht, heute nicht: Sieben bedeutende Physiker stehen dem AGW-Alarm skeptisch gegenüber (July 29, 2010) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Das ZDF- der Klimawandel- und die Wahrheit: Mit dem Zweiten diffamiert man besser! (December 8, 2010) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - In eigener Sache: PIK Professor Rahmstorf behauptet Klimarealisten würden "übliche wissenschaftliche Wege" meiden um Kritik anzumelden! (January 22, 2011) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Meinungsherrschaft über den Klimawandel (PDF) (February 23, 2011) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - "Klimaschutz": Billionen für nichts! EU-Kommissarin Hedegaard gibt astronomischen Kapitalbedarf bekannt (February 27, 2011) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Klimaschutz und Energiewende: Aktuelle Gebote oder nachhaltige Irrwege? [tinyurl] (PDF) (June 10, 2011) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Vergangen oder aktuell? Der SPIEGEL warnte 1974 und 1977 vor einer drohenden Kaltzeitkatastrophe (January 31, 2012) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Argumente der Skeptiker auf dem Prüfstand, eine Sendung des Bayerischen Fernsehens vom 3.Juni 2012 (June 7, 2012) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Eine unbequeme Wahrheit: Während der Kleinen Eiszeit waren die Stürme in Europa stärker als heute (August 8, 2012) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Österreichischer Professor: Leugner der globalen Erwärmung sollten hingerichtet werden (December 28, 2012) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Der Hype zur globalen Abkühlung der siebziger Jahre – sehr ähnlich dem heutigen Hype zur globalen Erwärmung (March 10, 2013) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Der Mythos vom wissenschaftlichen Konsens: Faktencheck von Schellnhubers „Drei bequeme Unwahrheiten“ (April 17, 2013) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Das Umweltbundesamt - staatlich verordnete Klima-Doktrin (PDF) (June 1, 2013) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Vielzitierte Studie zum 97-Prozent-Konsens zerfällt! (June 1, 2013) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Die betrügerische Studie von Cook über den „97%-Konsens“ ist ein Marketing-Trick, auf den einige Journalisten hereinfallen werden. (June 17, 2013) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Konsens? Was für ein Konsens? (September 6, 2013) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Vom Klimaschutz zur Energiewende: Notwendigkeit oder Irrweg? [tinyurl] (PDF) (January 16, 2014) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Ein Anwalt fragt: können Klimaskeptiker legal der kriminellen Fahrlässigkeit angeklagt werden? (April 8, 2014) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Energiewende und Klimaschutz: Aus Sicht eines Naturwissenschaftlers [tinyurl] (PDF) (June 13, 2014) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Meine Tage im Hass (FAZ) (July 15, 2014) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Klimaerwärmung (PDF) (December 9, 2014) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Nachhaltige Wahrheiten vs. Lügenpresse (January 20, 2015) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Einhaltung des Pressekodex? - Nicht bei der Süddeutschen Zeitung im Pamphlet von Christoph Behrens gegen die AfD (April 5, 2016) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Wie der von SPIEGEL-Online im Interview mit Hans v. Storch veröffentlichte sachliche Unsinn keine Grenzen mehr kennt. (April 20, 2016) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Klimawahn der evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands (EKD): Wie schon so oft - Kungeln mit den Mächtigen und Verteufelung der Realisten (May 6, 2016) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - ZDF Wissenschaftserklärer Harald Lesch gegen die AfD: Mogeln, tricksen, täuschen. (July 3, 2016) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Fake News: Diesmal Harald Lesch im Magazin GEO, 11.Mai 2017 (July 15, 2017) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Panikartige Furcht vor einer öffentlichen Diskussion des Klimawandels (August 4, 2017) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - Drei natürliche Zyklen bestimmen die Erdtemperatur der letzten 2000 Jahre (August 5, 2017) - [Archive]
European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany) - EU Initiative gegen Fake-News: Wo sind die deutschen Medien? (January 19, 2018) - [Archive]
Family Security Matters - Princeton Professor Embraces 9/11 Conspiracy Movement (September 12, 2013) - [Archive]
Foundation for Economic Education - Earth Day: 22 Ways to Think about the Climate-Change Debate (April 22, 2015) - [Archive]
Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity - As Obama heats up rhetoric & executive actions about 'global warming', the Earth has been cooling since 2002 (June 26, 2013) - [Archive]
Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity - You can't trust the federal government's cholesterol recommendations (March 17, 2015) - [Archive]
Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity - FEMA forces states that receive disaster funds to have plans for climate change (May 13, 2015) - [Archive]
Fraser Institute (Canada) - Earth Day despair (needlessly) springs eternal (April 22, 2022) - [Archive]
Friends of Science (Canada) - Scientific References - [Archive]
Friends of Science (Canada) - FoS Extracts - 2011 (PDF) (2011) - [Archive]
Friends of Science (Canada) - FoS Extracts - 2013 (PDF) (2013) - [Archive]
Frontier Centre for Public Policy (Canada) - Opportunism and Exploitation: Climate Change Activism and Hostility to Liberal Civilization (PDF) (February 2010) - [Archive]
Frontier Centre for Public Policy (Canada) - Funding Climate Research (May 14, 2011) - [Archive]
Frontiers of Freedom - Chilling Scientific Inquiry (April 19, 2016) - [Archive]
Global Warming Policy Foundation (UK) - 900+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism Of "Man-Made" Global Warming (AGW) Alarm (April 14, 2011) - [Archive]
Global Warming Policy Foundation (UK) - Climate Hysteria: The 1970′s Global Cooling Alarmism (January 3, 2013) - [Archive]
Global Warming Policy Foundation (UK) - Consensus? What Consensus? (PDF) (September 2013) - [Archive]
Global Warming Policy Foundation (UK) - Fraud, Bias And Public Relations: The 97% 'Consensus' And Its Critics (PDF) (September 2014) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - Fakegate Buzz - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - The Truth about RealClimate.org (July 6, 2009) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - Oreskes, the Queen of Climate Smear, ignores the big money, has no evidence, throws names (August 13, 2012) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - Cook’s Fallacy “97% consensus” Study is a Marketing Ploy Some Journalists Will Fall For (May 15, 2013) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - 97% Study Falsely Classifies Scientists' Papers, according to the scientists that published them (May 21, 2013) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring ’97-Percent Consensus’ Claims (June 1, 2013) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - John Kerry’s Climate Policy is the Same as Bloodletting: Patients are not Cured, and Sometimes Die (March 4, 2014) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - U.S. National Academy of Sciences Promoting Global Warming Scare (March 12, 2014) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - America Loves Booze and Pot (April 17, 2014) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - What 97 Percent of Climate Scientists Do (May 12, 2014) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - Research & Commentary: The Myth of a Global Warming Consensus (May 14, 2014) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - Chilling Scientific Inquiry (April 22, 2016) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - Left Exposed - Naomi Oreskes (July, 2016) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - Left Exposed - DeSmogBlog (August, 2016) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - Latest from LeftExposed: DeSmogBlog Profile (August 25, 2016) - [Archive]
Heartland Institute - Heartland Promotes Climate Realism on CBS Evening News (April 23, 2017) - [Archive]
Hughes Private Capital - The Good Old Days (January 10, 2017) - [Archive]
Independent Voter Project - Bernie Sanders on the Issues: From Infrastructure to Labor Unions (October 2, 2015) - [Archive]
Independent Women's Forum - Earth Day Confessions (and Questions) from a Skeptic (December 22, 2015) - [Archive]
Institute for Energy Research - Countering Sen. Kerry’s Catastrophic Climate Claims (Part 1 of 2) (December 23, 2009) - [Archive]
Institute for Energy Research - U.S. National Academy of Sciences: Doubling Down on Climate Alarmism (and taking science down a notch with it) (March 27, 2014) - [Archive]
Institute for Energy Research - False Consensus: The 97 Percent Canard (Oreskes study debunked) (October 10, 2017) - [Archive]
Institute for Policy Innovation - Where's the Proof Climate Change Causes the Polar Vortex? (January 10, 2018) - [Archive]
Institute for Population Studies - Cook’s 97% consensus study falsely classifies scientists’ papers according to the scientists that published them (March 16, 2013) - [Archive]
Investigative Project on Terrorism - Princeton Professor Embraces 9/11 Conspiracy Movement (September 12, 2013) - [Archive]
John Birch Society - Climategate, "Scientific Fascism," and Copenhagen (December 10, 2009) - [Archive]
John Locke Foundation - New ozone standard could destroy over 7 million jobs (November 16, 2010) - [Archive]
John Locke Foundation - "Climate experts believe the next ice age is on it's way…within a lifetime…" (March 6, 2013) - [Archive]
Libertarian Alliance (UK) - Causes and Consequences of the Climate Science Boom (March 6, 2015) - [Archive]
Media Research Center - COLD SHOULDER: ABC, CBS Exclude Scientists Critical of Global Warming for More Than 1,300 Days (March 6, 2014) - [Archive]
Media Research Center - Media Praise BBC Censorship of Climate Skeptics; Attack Dissenters (July 8, 2014) - [Archive]
Media Research Center - Mr. President, Here's Why That Claim of a 97% Climate Change Consensus Is Bunk (December 20, 2015) - [Archive]
Media Trackers - Rubio Right, PolitiFact Florida Wrong on Climate Statement (May 15, 2014) - [Archive]
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center - Public & Employee Communications Office Annual Metrics Report for Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2010 (PDF) (2011) - [Archive]
National Alliance Against Tolls (UK) - 450 Peer Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of AGW-Caused Global Warming (May 14, 2011) - [Archive]
National Association of Scholars - Academia is in the New Dark Age (January 19, 2017) - [Archive]
National Center for Policy Analysis - The Global Warming Uncertainty: Is "Doing Something" More Ethical Than "Doing Nothing"? (June 23, 2014) - [Archive]
National Families in Action - 150+ Scientific Studies Showing the Dangers of Marijuana (April 3, 2014) - [Archive]
New Zealand Centre for Political Research (New Zealand) - Climate Change Mitigation in New Zealand – the Stifling of Debate (December 9, 2018) - [Archive]
New Zealand Climate Science Coalition (New Zealand) - 450 Peer Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of AGW-Caused Global Warming (November 18, 2009) - [Archive]
New Zealand Climate Science Coalition (New Zealand) - 750 Scientific Papers Skeptical of AGW Hypothesis (July 3, 2010) - [Archive]
Prager University Foundation - Do 97% of Climate Scientists Really Agree? (July 11, 2016) - [Archive]
Principia Scientific International - The Greenhouse Gas Effect Is Bogus – Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Cools the Earth (PDF) (December 2012) - [Archive]
Principia Scientific International - An Alternative Theory to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide’s Causing Significant Changes in the World’s Climate (PDF) (January 1, 2013) - [Archive]
Principia Scientific International - The Modelling History of Climatology (PDF) (October 24, 2015) - [Archive]
Principia Scientific International - Listing the Enviro-Critical and/or Climate-Sceptical Websites (April 3, 2016) - [Archive]
ProCon.org - Is Human Activity Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Change? (June 8, 2015) - [Archive]
Raptor Education Foundation - The Algorian Fog: A Cloud of Lies (June 23, 2013) - [Archive]
Reformy.cz (Czech Republic) - Skeptik, který uvěřil, že za oteplení mohou lidé, byl výmysl (August 7, 2012) - [Archive]
Renewable Farming - Ready For Climate Change? We're Talking About Global Cooling (2015) - [Archive]
RenewAmerica - Why moral values matter (March 19, 2015) - [Archive]
Science & Environmental Policy Project - The Week That Was: 2008-11-15 (November 15, 2008) - [Archive]
Science & Environmental Policy Project - The Week That Was: 2013-05-25 (PDF) (May 25, 2013) - [Archive]
Science & Environmental Policy Project - The Week That Was: 2014-03-01 (PDF) (March 1, 2014) - [Archive]
Science & Environmental Policy Project - The Week That Was: 2015-10-24 (PDF) (October 24, 2015) - [Archive]
Science & Environmental Policy Project - The Week That Was: 2015-12-26 (PDF) (December 26, 2015) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - 450 Peer Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of AGW-Caused Global Warming (November 16, 2009) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - Eminent Physicists Skeptical of AGW (July 20, 2010) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - Google Scholar illiteracy in the PNAS (August 6, 2010) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - Prominent Climatologists Skeptical of AGW Alarm (September 29, 2010) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - Real Temperatures (October 13, 2010) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - 850 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming (AGW) Alarm (January 15, 2011) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - Google Scholar Illiteracy at Skeptical Science (February 15, 2011) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - The Truth about DeSmogBlog And SourceWatch (April 18, 2011) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - The Truth about SourceWatch (October 4, 2011) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - 97% Study Falsely Classifies Scientists' Papers, according to the scientists that published them (May 22, 2013) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - 97% Study Falsely Classifies Scientists’ Papers, according to the scientists that published them [Update] (May 30, 2013) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - 2,258 Meaningless Search Results (January 15, 2014) - [Archive]
Science & Public Policy Institute - Skeptics Smeared As Holocaust Deniers, ADL Silent (March 3, 2014) - [Archive]
Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts - 1970s Global Cooling (video) (January 6, 2014) - [Archive]
Stossel in the Classroom - Teacher Guide 2017 Edition (PDF) (2017) - [Archive]
Substance Abuse Coalition of Kanabec County - Marijuana Myths - [Archive]
Tea Party Nation - Why Moral Values Matter (March 18, 2015) - [Archive]
The Galileo Movement (Australia) - Sent to a further 86 Greenpeace Members and other young Lovers of the Environment (PDF) (December 7, 2015) - [Archive]
The Red Elephants - 97% of climate scientists? Not So Fast | Major Climate Change / Global Warming Myth Debunked Forever (June 1, 2018) - [Archive]
Turgot Institute (France) - Quelle politique contre le réchauffement climatique? Le verdict de l'analyse économique coûts/avantages (January 22, 2016) - [Archive]
Turn 180 (Ireland) - Over 1000 peer reviewed papers supporting climate change skeptic opinion (August 4, 2012) - [Archive]
Turn 180 (Ireland) - Richard Muller Was Never a Climate Change Skeptic (August 4, 2012) - [Archive]
Uruguayan Council for International Relations (Uruguay) - Uruguay y el calentamiento global: el mundo de las "ficciones convenientes" (PDF) (October 10, 2012) - [Archive]
World Federation Against Drugs (Sweden) - 150+ scientific studies showing the dangers of marijuana (April 8, 2014) - [Archive]
Zivile Koalition e.V. (Germany) - Einhaltung des Pressekodex? (April 7, 2016) - [Archive]
Political Coverage:
Australian Parliament Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (Australia) - Submission to the JSCOT regarding the Paris Treaty arising from the UNFCCC COP in Paris, France, December 2015 (PDF) (October 7, 2016) - [Archive]
Bermuda Ministry of National Security (Bermuda) - Department for National Drug Control - [Archive]
German Federal Parliament (Germany) - Gutachterliche Stellungnahme zum Vorschlag für eine Verordnung des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Festlegung von CO2-Emissionsnormen für neue schwere Nutzfahrzeuge (PDF) (February 12, 2019) - [Archive]
German Federal Parliament (Germany) - Kleine Anfrage: der Abgeordneten Karsten Hilse, Dr. Heiko Wildberg, Marc Bernhard, Dr. Rainer Kraft, Andreas Bleck und der Fraktion der AfD - Anteil der Wissenschaftler, die den Klimawandel für menschengemacht erachten (PDF) (August 9, 2019) - [Archive]
German State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) - Gutachterliche Stellungnahme zur Drucksache 1711/28 des Düsseldorfer Landtags [tinyurl] (April 4, 2018) - [Archive]
Idaho State Legislature Federal Lands Interim Committee - Objection Response for the Idaho Panhandle National Forest Revised Land Management Plan (PDF) (September 8, 2014) - [Archive]
Montana Supreme Court - Supreme Court No. OP-11-0258 (PDF) (June 3, 2011) - [Archive]
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (Netherlands) - Wetenschapper versus scepticus: Verslag van een weblogdiscussie tussen een klimaatonderzoeker en een klimaatscepticus (PDF) (May 7, 2010) - [Archive]
Netherlands Partij voor de Vrijheid (Netherlands) - Platte aarde denkers en de flop van Kopenhagen (November 11, 2009) - [Archive]
Oregon State Legislature Joint Committee On Carbon Reduction - Commentary: The Climate Change Fallacy (PDF) (February 25, 2019) - [Archive]
Oregon State Legislature Joint Committee On Carbon Reduction - Opposition to the HB2020 (PDF) (March 1, 2019) - [Archive]
Oxford County Council, Ontario (Canada) - Agenda, County of Oxford, Council Meeting, 9/28/2016 (PDF) (September 28, 2016) - [Archive]
Puerto Rico National Guard Counter Drug Program (Puerto Rico) - Enlaces de Recursos para Formación y Mantenimiento de Coaliciones - [Archive]
Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Spain) - Por qué usted, probablemente, no se lo cree (November 2010)
UK Parliament Energy and Climate Change Committee (UK) - HC 517 The Economics of Wind Power: Memorandum submitted by Kes Heffer (WIND 60) (July 10, 2012) - [Archive]
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air and Radiation - Comment submitted by J. Howland (November 22, 2008) - [Archive]
U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology - Testimony of Ronald D. Rotunda (PDF) (September 14, 2016) - [Archive]
U.S. Representative of Washington's 5th District Republican Candidate Tom Horne - Climate Change? (July 20, 2016) - [Archive]
U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works - UN Data shows 'Warming has Stopped!' – Climate Fears Called 'Hogwash' – 'Global Carbon Tax' Urged (December 3, 2008) - [Archive]
U.S. Senate Committee on Finance - Climate Change Legislation: Considerations for Future Jobs (November 10, 2009) - (PDF) [Archive]
U.S. Senator of Mississippi Roger Wicker - U.S. Should Not Sign Climate Pact Amid Economic Risks, Scientific Doubts (December 14, 2009) - [Archive]
Vancouver City Council, Washington - Turlay on dangers of weed (April 16, 2014)
Professional Coverage:
David Siegel (M.S.) - What I Learned about Climate Change: The Science is not Settled (October 16, 2015) - [Archive]
David Siegel (M.S.) - Climate Change: Is it Real and Important? (November 7, 2015) - [Archive]
Ed Hoskins (M.A.) - Some Questions about Man-made Climate Change: where is the DUE DILIGENCE? (PDF) (November 2010) - [Archive]
Gary L. Morella (M.Eng, M.A.) - Understanding Climategate's Hidden Decline In How Science Was Bastardized (December 2009) - [Archive]
James Delingpole (M.A.) - Climategate: the corruption of Wikipedia (December 26, 2009) - [Archive]
Radio Coverage:
Agenda 21 Radio (Paul Preston) - 1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC/AGW Alarm (Febraury 16, 2014) - [Archive]
Cutting Through The Matrix (Alan Watt, RBN) - When the Totalitarian Globalists Pushed Man-Made Global Cooling (March 26, 2013) - [Archive]
No Agenda (Adam Curry & John C. Dvorak) - No Agenda 575 - BIOS Brick (December 19, 2013) - [Archive]
No Agenda (Adam Curry & John C. Dvorak) - No Agenda 734 - "Peak Oil II" (June 28, 2015) - [Archive]
Overnight with Jim Ball (3MP-AM, Australia) - Articles referred to in July 2010 (July 2010) - [Archive]
Pundit Review Radio (WRKO-AM) - Great moments in scientific consensus (July 9, 2011) - [Archive]
Rick Jensen (WDEL-AM) - Man-Made Global Warming Hoax Unleashed! (November 30, 2009) - [Archive]
The Corbett Report (James Corbett) - Where is the Fed Documentary? – Questions For Corbett #014 (June 24, 2014) - [Archive]
The Grimerica Show (Canada) #156 – Grimerica Talks Mythology, Spirituality & Much More with Gordon White (February 12, 2016) - [Archive]
The John Bolton Show (CJSS-FM, Canada) - For Your Consideration – April 16th (April 16, 2011) - [Archive]
The John Bolton Show (CJSS-FM, Canada) - The Right Opinion – May 6th (May 6, 2011) - [Archive]
The John Bolton Show (CJSS-FM, Canada) - The Right Opinion – July 14th (July 14, 2011) - [Archive]
The John Bolton Show (CJSS-FM, Canada) - The Right Opinion – September 10th, 2011 (September 10, 2011) - [Archive]
The Larry Elder Show - Cook's 97% consensus study falsely classifies scientists' papers according to the scientists that published them (Febraury 19, 2014) - [Archive]
The Marty O Radio Show (Martin O'Sullivan) - The Global Warming Meltdown (November 18, 2013) - [Archive]
The Rush Limbaugh Show - GOP Must Fight Twin Hoaxes of Climate Change and Obamacare (December 9, 2009) - [Archive]
The Schnitt Show (Tony Schnitt) - Schnitt's Global Warming Files (2009) - [Archive]
WeatherBrains (James Spann) - WeatherBrains 242: Save The PR-40! (September 13, 2010) - [Archive]
Resource Coverage:
Internet Public Library - Gina Cacace IPL Reference Work (PDF) (2009) - [Archive]
The Dictionary of the Climate Debate - Consensus - [Archive]
Zebra Fact Check - Making sense of the claims about climate change consensus (August 29, 2013) - [Archive]
Scientist Coverage: (Count: 30)
Anna Vayaki Ph.D. (Greece) - Θερμανση του Πλανήτη Αννα Βαγιάκη - [Archive]
Antero Ollila Ph.D. (Finland) - Climate consensus the 97 % - really? (January 14, 2016) - [Archive]
Boris Winterhalter Ph.D. (Finland) - Ilmastoskeptisiä tutkimuksia on riittävästi! (December 10, 2010) - [Archive]
Boyko I. Vachev Ph.D. (Bulgaria) - Моделиране на глобалния климат (PDF) (October 2008) - [Archive]
Christian Marchal Ph.D. (France) - Le réchauffement climatique est-il d’origine humaine (October 7, 2014) - [Archive]
Claes Johnson Ph.D. (Sweden) - SvD and Scientific Skepticism to Climate Alarmism (November 11, 2009) - [Archive]
Denis Rancourt Ph.D. (Canada) - Worth Reposting: 97% Study Falsely Classifies Scientists' Papers, according to the scientists that published them (November 22, 2014) - [Archive]
Doug Hoffman Ph.D. - Journal Articles and Reviewed Papers Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming (November 1, 2009) - [Archive]
Francois Gervais Ph.D. (France) - Impact de l’effet de serre du CO2 sur le climat (PDF) (May 6, 2015) - [Archive]
Greg Laden Ph.D. - The 1970s Ice Age Myth and Time Magazine Covers (June 4, 2013)
Heinz Lycklama Ph.D. - Analysis of the Global Warming Issue (PDF) (December 1, 2009) - [Archive]
Ingemar Nordin Ph.D. (Sweden) - Klimatnotiser - [Archive]
Jennifer Marohasy Ph.D. (Australia) - Garnaut’s Second Update, Sceptics are the White Swans: A Note from David Stockwell and Cohenite (March 16, 2011) - [Archive]
Jennifer Marohasy Ph.D. (Australia) - Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptical Arguments Against AGW Alarmism (February 14, 2014) - [Archive]
John Happs Ph.D. - Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. Consensus or Fraud? (PDF) (2011) - [Archive]
John Lott Ph.D. - "450 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming" (December 5, 2009) - [Archive]
John Ray Ph.D. (Australia) - 1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC/AGW Alarm (February 14, 2014) - [Archive]
John Ray Ph.D. (Australia) - 97 Articles Refuting The "97% Consensus" (December 21, 2014) - [Archive]
John Ray Ph.D. (Australia) - A Warmist troll unmasked (January 27, 2015) - [Archive]
John Ray Ph.D. (Australia) - Dear Naomi revisited (March 22, 2016) - [Archive]
John Ray Ph.D. (Australia) - NOAA 1974 - Global Cooling Will Starve the World (July 3, 2016) - [Archive]
Joshua Halpern Ph.D. - RTFR Pops (February 16, 2013)
Judith Curry Ph.D. - Week in review (January 24, 2015) - [Archive]
Ken Rice Ph.D. (UK) - Critical thought? (March 9, 2015)
Kenneth Rundt Ph.D. (Finland) - Global Warming – Man-made or Natural? (June 16, 2008) - [Archive]
Lubos Motl Ph.D. (Czech Republic) - Earth Day: Lenin's 140th birthday (April 22, 2010) - [Archive]
Lubos Motl Ph.D. (Czech Republic) - Pogrom against German climate realists (November 11, 2010) - [Archive]
Lubos Motl Ph.D. (Czech Republic) - Skeptics, TRF stigmatized in a PSU course (March 22, 2011) - [Archive]
Lubos Motl Ph.D. (Czech Republic) - AGW inquisition burns a journal, Pattern Recognition in Physics (January 17, 2014) - [Archive]
Lubos Motl Ph.D. (Czech Republic) - Gestapo-like ADL raid on Roy Spencer (February 27, 2014) - [Archive]
Lubos Motl Ph.D. (Czech Republic) - Who is a more visceral hater of fundamental physics: skeptics or alarmists? (October 14, 2014) - [Archive]
Lubos Motl Ph.D. (Czech Republic) - Smolin's lie about Dyson and Einstein (April 12, 2015) - [Archive]
Lubos Motl Ph.D. (Czech Republic) - Merchants of Doubt, spoilers (August 19, 2015) - [Archive]
Lucia Lundgren Ph.D. - The Hacked Files Now Popular Entertainment on YouTube (November 22, 2009) - [Archive]
Lucia Lundgren Ph.D. - Lukewarmers in the public eye (May 15, 2015) - [Archive]
Marc A. Vallée Ph.D. (Canada) - M. Tourangeau, Om budsman de Radio - Canada (PDF) (December 15, 2015) - [Archive]
Masaharu Nishioka Ph.D. (Japan) - Skeptical and paper to anthropogenic global warming, which has received the peer review (February 16, 2014) - [Archive]
Patrick Moore Ph.D. - How about 1,350 peer-reviewed skeptical papers? (December 14, 2015) - [Archive]
Patrick Moore Ph.D. - Lots of peer-reviewed papers are skeptical. Media ignores them. (May 10, 2016) - [Archive]
Richard Betts Ph.D. (UK) - Label the behaviour, not the person (February 7, 2015) - [Archive]
Richard Tol Ph.D. (UK) - ERL does not want you to read this (October 14, 2014) - [Archive]
Roger Pielke Jr. Ph.D. - Better Recheck That List (November 16, 2009)
Ronald S. Strange Ph.D. - FDU Chemistry - Dr. R. S. Strange (2015) - [Archive]
William M. Briggs Ph.D. - List of ideologues comparing climate skeptics to Holocaust deniers (March 3, 2014) - [Archive]
Tech Coverage:
3dfxZone.it (Italy) - Battlefield 2 non supporta le card Geforce 4 (June 28, 2005) - [Archive]
AOL News (Switched) - Is it Wrong to Block Web Site Ads? (September 13, 2007) - [Archive]
ATIZone.it (Italy) - Battlefield 2 non supporta le card Geforce 4 (June 28, 2005) - [Archive]
Beaconfire - The Ethics of AdBlock (November 19, 2007) - [Archive]
Blue's News - Monday, Jun 27, 2005 (June 27, 2005) - [Archive]
CHIP Magazine (Czech Republic) - Je opravdu nejbezpečnější IE6? (PDF) (March 2007) - [Archive]
Chris Pirillo - Gaming Console Wars (May 24, 2005) - [Archive]
Daily Blog Tips - Kevin Rose Jumping Out of The Digg Boat? (December 21, 2007) - [Archive]
Gameguru Mania - Gameguru Mania News - Jul,06 2005 (July 6, 2005) - [Archive]
Gameguru Mania - Gameguru Mania News - Jan,04 2006 (January 4, 2006) - [Archive]
GilsMethod - Why Firefox is NOT 'Safer, Faster, Better' (July 30, 2006) - [Archive]
Icrontic - Is the iPod Overrated? (April 11, 2005) - [Archive]
Icrontic - The Firefox Update Conspiracy? (April 21, 2005) - [Archive]
Information Week - Data for Good: Tracking Legislative Influence (November 30, 2015) - [Archive]
John C. Dvorak - A decade of articles proving that we are all going to die from global cooling! (December 20, 2013) - [Archive]
Linux.com - Firefox FireTune Utility Includes Useless Tweak(s) (November 7, 2005) - [Archive]
Linux.com - nVidia's not so "Unified" Driver Support (November 21, 2005) - [Archive]
Linux.com - Firefox Fanboys Regroup to Spam More (December 2, 2005) - [Archive]
Linux.com - Firefox Admits only 0.18% using Firefox 2.0 (October 31, 2006) - [Archive]
Linux.com - Windows XP More Secure than Linux (January 17, 2007) - [Archive]
Linux Today - Popular Technology: The Firefox Update Conspiracy (April 23, 2005) - [Archive]
Locker Gnome - Clash Of The Consoles (May 24, 2005) - [Archive]
MajorGeeks - CCleaner Cripples Application Load Times (October 3, 2005) - [Archive]
Mozilla (Czech Republic) - Proč je Firefox 1.x bezpečnější než Internet Explorer 6.0 (September 12, 2006) - [Archive]
MyEgo.cz (Czech Republic) - Firefox 1.5 je zranitelnější než MSIE 6.0 (September 12, 2006) - [Archive]
NT Compatible - Firefox Unleashes Spyware (March 19, 2005) - [Archive]
NVIDIAZone.it (Italy) - Battlefield 2 non supporta le card Geforce 4 (June 28, 2005) - [Archive]
OSDir.com - The Firefox Update Conspiracy (April 22, 2005) - [Archive]
OSNews - 'Opera Is Faster, More Secure, More Compliant Than Firefox' (January 4, 2006) - [Archive]
OSNews - 'IE 6.x More Secure than Firefox 1.x in 2006' (September 9, 2006) - [Archive]
RemoveAdblock.com - What is removeadblock.com? (2012) - [Archive]
Root.cz (Czech Republic) - Je MSIE 6 bezpečnější než Firefox 1.x? (September 11, 2006) - [Archive]
Spread Firefox - Response to: "Firefox - A New Religion?" (January 31, 2005) - [Archive]
Tennessee College of Applied Technology - CCleaner can Slow Application Load Times (December 24, 2008) - [Archive]
The Tech Report - Is Firefox a new religion? (February 10, 2005) - [Archive]
Ubuntucat - The Ethics of Adblocking (July 9, 2007) - [Archive]
Theological Coverage:
Advent Messenger - The Climate Change Movement is the Greatest Example of Mass Hysteria in Human History (September 20, 2019) - [Archive]
By Catholics - Global Cooling (January 5, 2009) - [Archive]
Calvary Baptist Church - The Dangers of Marijuana (PDF) (2015) - [Archive]
Manhattan Contrarian - Climate Science And The Process Of Orthodoxy Enforcement (January 14, 2018) - [Archive]
Religio-Political Talk - Climate "Consensus" - [Archive]
Religio-Political Talk - Climate Change Disrupted - [Archive]
Religio-Political Talk - Skeptical Science`s Shenanigans Catching Up With Them (March 3, 2013) - [Archive]
Religio-Political Talk - Another 'Consensus' Mantra Bites the Dust! (January 16, 2014) - [Archive]
Religio-Political Talk - Marijuana Use Shows Significant Brain Change (November 11, 2014) - [Archive]
Religio-Political Talk - The 97% Consensus Myth (Links and Videos) (February 4, 2015) - [Archive]
Religio-Political Talk - Some Points About Global Warming Expanded On (April 11, 2015) - [Archive]
The Berean Call - 500 Peer Reviewed Papers of Scientist Questioning Global Warming (December 30, 2009) - [Archive]
The Daily Declaration - 97% of scientists agree, the polar bears are melting… faster than you can say “Al Gore” (January 10, 2020) - [Archive]
The Remnant - Why I’m Disregarding Laudato Si and You Should Too (June 19, 2015) - [Archive]
University Coverage:
Center for a Public Anthropology - The Anthropological Challenge: Facilitating Civil Conversations Regarding Climate Change (2018) - [Archive]
Center for Chinese & Global Affairs, Peking University (China) - "The hockey stick curve" scandal, Climate of foam and the future of climate politics (PDF) (August 15, 2010) - [Archive]
Pennsylvania State University - ENGR 408 Class Paper: Seneca et al. (PDF) (October 24, 2010) - [Archive]
Pennsylvania State University - ENGR 408 Class Paper: Forgie et al. (DOCX) (March 28, 2011) - [Archive]
Pennsylvania State University - ENGR 408 Class Paper: Mulcahey et al. (PDF) (March 28, 2011) - [Archive]
Pennsylvania State University - ENGR 408 Class Paper: Gibbons et al. (DOC) (April 22, 2011) - [Archive]
Saratov State University (Russia) - Метеорологические ресурcы сети Интернет (2013) - [Archive]
University of Vermont - GEOL 007: Earth Hazards - Climate Change Assignment 2017 (PDF) (2017) - [Archive]
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies - The Conversation's 'An Orwellian Climate' (October 4, 2011)
Weblog Coverage:
Climate Skeptics:
Australian Climate Madness (Australia) - Warmist headbangers go ape over Heartland finance leak (February 15, 2012) - [Archive]
Australian Climate Madness (Australia) - Reaction to Muller's BEST announcement (August 1, 2012) - [Archive]
Australian Climate Madness (Australia) - MUST LISTEN: Lord Oxburgh speaks on climate and Climategate (August 9, 2012) - [Archive]
Bishop Hill (UK) - Climate cuttings 52 (May 15, 2011) - [Archive]
Bishop Hill (UK) - Not the BEST (July 30, 2012) - [Archive]
Bishop Hill (UK) - 1970s global cooling alarmism (March 1, 2013) - [Archive]
Bishop Hill (UK) - Greenpeace's desperate smear (June 28, 2013) - [Archive]
C3 Headlines - A Skeptic's Treasure Trove of Peer Reviewed Science That Challenges The AGW Climate Change "Consensus" (June 6, 2012) - [Archive]
C3 Headlines - Alarmist Propaganda: Does "Warmest" Year Mantra Mean Climate Squat? (December 22, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Audit (Canada) - Climategate Documents Confirm Wegman’s Hypothesis (March 23, 2011) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Climate Science Primer: Curious Anomalies In Climate Science (September 27, 2010) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Is Not Pollution (January 4, 2011) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Climate Depot Exclusive: Real Climate Exposed! (January 4, 2011) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - The Truth About RealClimate.Org (January 4, 2011) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Google Scholar Illiteracy at Skeptical Science (February 14, 2011) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - 900+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming (AGW) Alarm (April 14, 2011) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Are Skeptical Scientists Funded By ExxonMobil? (May 14, 2011) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Rebuttal To 7 Spammed Lies (May 31, 2011) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - 1100+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC/AGW Alarm (July 30, 2012) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Skeptical Science: The Censorship Of Poptech (September 14, 2012) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Cook's 97% Consensus Study Game Plan Revealed (June 5, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Warmist Dana Nuccitelli Cites His Own Laughable 97% Study To Push Carbon Tax (June 5, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Jumping The Shark On Global Warming (August 3, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - 1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC/AGW Alarm (February 13, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Nate Silver Capitulates, Throws Staffer To The Green Activists (March 29, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - The Myth Of A Global Warming Consensus (May 15, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Who Is Steven Mosher? (June 16, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - One More Reason To Get A Mac (July 23, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - What The Mainstream Media Wont Tell You About Global Warming (November 18, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - How To Kill The Scientific Method The Reddit Way (December 18, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - 97 Articles Refuting The "97% Consensus" (December 21, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - Wrong, Bill Maher - Reporting In '70s On Global Cooling Not Limited To Single Story In Newsweek (April 20, 2015) - [Archive]
Climate Change Dispatch - The Great Climate Lie (December 2, 2015) - [Archive]
Climate Change Sanity - Skeptic Reference Sources—1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers (May 7, 2015) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Climatologist slams RealClimate.org for 'erroneously communicating the reality of the how climate system is actually behaving' (June 30, 2009) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Claim: 900+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Support Skepticism of 'Man-Made' Global Warming Alarm (April 15, 2011) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Report: 1000+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC/AGW Alarm (May 19, 2012) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Warmist 'Skeptical Science' author John Hartz on the death of father of four Andrew Breitbart: 'Ding dong, the witch is dead' (September 14, 2012) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Austrian Prof: Deniers should be jailed & sentenced to death: 'The death penalty would have been justified in terms of the enormous numbers of saved future lives' (December 23, 2012) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - The 1970's Global Cooling Alarmism: 'Extreme weather events were hyped as signs of the coming apocalypse & man-made pollution was blamed as the cause' (March 1, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - 13,950 Meaningless Search Results — Rebuttal to warmists' claim of '13,950 peer-reviewed climate articles' (April 18, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Retraction Watch: Warmist John Cook claimed that papers by skeptics Craig D. Idso, Nicola Scafetta, and Nir J. Shaviv endorsed CO2-induced global warming? (May 21, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Warmist turns on UN IPCC, accuses IPCC lead author of ‘behaving like’ Marc Morano: Warmist Dana Nuccitelli’s Twitter war with UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol over that alleged ‘97% consensus’ paper (May 24, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - More Woes: Warmist John Cook's 97% Consensus Study Falsely Classifies 3 More Scientists – Dr. Morner, Soon, Carlin — Plus: Round up of analyses of Cook's study (May 28, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Cook’s 97% Consensus Study Game Plan Revealed by Hackers (June 4, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo: ‘AGW theory has failed all tests, so alarmists return to the ‘consensus’ hoax’ (June 5, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Warmist Dana Nuccitelli chokes on his own vomit — cites his own laughable 97% study to push carbon tax – 'Climate debate is settled; carbon tax is vital' (June 5, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - As Obama heats up rhetoric & executive actions about 'global warming', the Earth has been COOLING since 2002 – Climate Depot Reaction to Obama's Climate Plan (June 25, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Analysis: Gross Scientific Negligence – IPCC Ignored Huge Body Of Peer-Reviewed Literature Showing Sun’s Clear Impact (October 11, 2013) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Warmists attempt to create new 99.99% 'consensus' claim: '2,258 Meaningless Search Results' – 'Rebuttal to '2,258 peer-reviewed climate articles' (January 17, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Report: 1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against Man-Made Global Warming Alarm (February 13, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Climate Skeptics Smeared As Holocaust Deniers, ADL Silent — Must Read Collection of Quotes (February 28, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Analysis: 'Claim 97% of Climate Scientists Believe In Global Warming is TOTALLY BOGUS!' (May 22, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Meet NASA's New 'James Hansen' – Gavin Schmidt – the man who hates debate & loses when he does debate – He has been criticized by prominent scientists for 'erroneously communicating the reality of the how climate system is actually behaving' (June 10, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - Meteorologist Joe D'Aleo on 'the big lie of consensus' (October 13, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Depot - '97 Articles Refuting The '97% Consensus' (December 20, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Lessons (UK) - Why Would You Believe This? (1 of 8): 'Few scientists now doubt that due to human activity - burning fossil fuels and deforestation - the climate is changing.' (June 24, 2010) - [Archive]
Climate Lessons (UK) - Scientific papers (peer-reviewed and published) dealing with the real climate, and not the worship of GCMs and associated politicising. (November 15, 2010) - [Archive]
Climate Lessons (UK) - Wallchart materials: waxing hot and cold, climate scares 1895-2009 (December 19, 2010) - [Archive]
Climate Lessons (UK) - Occam's Broom and the stink of '97% of Climate Scientists' (March 21, 2014) - [Archive]
Climate Observations - Climate Skeptics Forget the Obvious Intent of the Website SkepticalScience (September 14, 2012) - [Archive]
Climate Realists (UK) - Google Scholar illiteracy in the PNAS from populartechnology.net (August 6, 2010) - [Archive]
Climate Realists (UK) - Real Temperatures (October 13, 2010) - [Archive]
Climate Scepticism (UK) - To whom it may appall (May 1, 2016) - [Archive]
Climate Science (UK) - 800 peer-reviewed scientific papers dispute global warming (October 13, 2010) - [Archive]
Environmentalism is Fascism (Canada) - 356 Enviro-critical Websites and additional info about the organized enviro-critical movement (March, 2016) - [Archive]
Icecap - AGW theory has failed all tests, so alarmists return to the 97% ‘consensus’ hoax (May 31, 2013) - [Archive]
Icecap - Welcome back to the 1950s and soon the 1960s/70s (and then 1800?) (July 11, 2014) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - How arrogant art thy name-callers? (July 21, 2010) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - 900 peer reviewed papers to deny (August 4, 2010) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Mystery Solved: Why the PR hacks exploded their credibility (November 9, 2010) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Lomborg: uses irrational name-calling and denies the evidence (November 23, 2010) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - A journalist who confuses journalism with propaganda (December 18, 2010) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Glikson: descends to pseudo-psychology and projection? (December 22, 2010) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Johnny Ball on how he has been vilified (February 23, 2011) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Map: The Climate Change Scare Machine — the perpetual self-feeding cycle of alarm (October 6, 2011) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - New Here? The “ten second” guide to the world of skeptics (March 11, 2011) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - The Worst Cookbook Interview Ever? (May 27, 2011) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Climate Commission Report Debunked (May 30, 2011) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Peer review denial and the abuse of science (June 22, 2011) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Skeptical scientists are like… frauds who hunt yetis? (October 11, 2011) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Flannery admitted to Australian Academy of Science for PR work. Who is next? Cate Blanchett? (March 30, 2012) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - The intellectual vacuum – alarmists are afraid of debate, they namecall and break laws of reason (April 26, 2012) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Muller-the-pretend-skeptic makes three claims. He’s half right on one. (July 31, 2012) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Oreskes, the Queen of Climate Smear, ignores the big money, has no evidence, throws names (August 8, 2012) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Government funds anti-science name-calling crowd: “deniers”, skeptics are old “will be gone soon” (October 30, 2012) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Death threats anyone? Austrian Prof: global warming deniers should be sentenced to death (December 24, 2012) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Death threats anyone? Austrian Prof: global warming deniers should be sentenced to death (December 24, 2012) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Most Geoscientists and Engineers are Global Warming skeptics (February 11, 2013) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Cook’s fallacy "97% consensus" study is a marketing ploy some journalists will fall for (May 17, 2013) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - NASA Apollo Astronaut Walter Cunningham says trust in NASA and science has been abused (August 14, 2013) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Climate Change Denial and the Holocaust allusion (March 3, 2014) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - The 99.99% pure climate consensus – how to ignore thousands of skeptical scientists (July 12, 2015) - [Archive]
JoNova (Australia) - Climate Council pleads “censorship” and calls billions of dollars “a lack of action” (May 1, 2019) - [Archive]
Junk Science - October 31, 2007 (October 31, 2007) - [Archive]
Junk Science - November 4, 2008 (November 4, 2008) - [Archive]
Junk Science - November 21, 2008 (November 21, 2008) - [Archive]
Junk Science - November 26, 2008 (November 26, 2008) - [Archive]
Junk Science - December 22, 2008 (December 22, 2008) - [Archive]
Junk Science - News & Commentary April 23, 2010 (April 23, 2010) - [Archive]
Junk Science - News & Commentary May 17, 2010 (May 17, 2010) - [Archive]
Junk Science - News & Commentary June 24, 2010 (June 24, 2010) - [Archive]
Junk Science - Popular Technology: 1000+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC/AGW Alarm (May 21, 2012) - [Archive]
Junk Science - Pop Tech: The Truth about Richard Muller (June 3, 2012) - [Archive]
Junk Science - Sigh… Richard Muller: The Conversion of a Climate-Change Skeptic (July 29, 2012) - [Archive]
Junk Science - Frontline Responds to Complaints on Oct 23 "Climate of Doubt": Here, the Rebuttal to Frontline that PBS Ombudsman Won't Put Online (November 14, 2012) - [Archive]
Junk Science - 97% Consensus Study Falsely Classifies Scientists' Papers — according to scientists who published them (May 21, 2013) - [Archive]
Junk Science - Stealin' from Climate Depot (February 13, 2014) - [Archive]
Junk Science - Note on Denier Issue (March 24, 2014) - [Archive]
NoTricksZone (Germany) - Little Ice Age And Expanding Arctic Ice Coming – "Climate Forecasts Will Have To Be Thrown In The Dustbin" (December 14, 2010) - [Archive]
NoTricksZone (Germany) - 1000+ PEER-REVIEWED Papers Show Skeptics Are Right On When It Comes To Climate Science (June 14, 2012) - [Archive]
NoTricksZone (Germany) - Dana Nuccitelli Refuses Reality: Richard Tol Calls John Cook's Survey "Silly Idea…Poorly Implemented" (May 23, 2013) - [Archive]
NoTricksZone (Germany) - Swiss News Magazine 'Weltwoche': "Skeptics On The Rise…No Trace Of Consensus In Climate Science". (October 3, 2013) - [Archive]
NoTricksZone (Germany) - Gross Scientific Negligence – IPCC Ignored Huge Body Of Peer-Reviewed Literature Showing Sun's Clear Impact (October 11, 2013) - [Archive]
NoTricksZone (Germany) - Anti Defamation League Gone Intellectually AWOL…Totally Oblivious To Deluge Of Defamation Poured Onto Climate Science Skeptics (February 27, 2014) - [Archive]
NoTricksZone (Germany) - 100+ Papers – Sun Drives Climate (September 22, 2014) - [Archive]
NoTricksZone (Germany) - Top Swiss Avalanche Expert Werner Munter Calls IPCC Report "A Scientific Farce"…"Piss Take"! (January 25, 2015) - [Archive]
Real Science - Cook Math : Less Than 50% Equals 97% (June 25, 2013) - [Archive]
Real Science - Understanding Berkeley Earth (June 21, 2014) - [Archive]
Real Science - A 2009 Reminder That Climate Alarmists Are Complete Nutcases (August 30, 2015) - [Archive]
Real Science - Obama Is The 44th President To Experience Alaskan Glacier Melting (August 31, 2015) - [Archive]
Science Skeptical Blog (Germany) - 450 "peer-reviewed" Studien unterstützen skeptische Ansicht zum AGW (November 14, 2009) - [Archive]
Suyts Space - A Plug And A Reminder (May 19, 2013) - [Archive]
Suyts Space - New Consensus Achieved!!! Cook Demonstrates Warmist Consensus — It's Okay To Just Make Stuff Up!!! (May 21, 2013) - [Archive]
Suyts Space - Broadly Speaking Nuccitelli Narrowly Defines Deniers!!!! (May 23, 2013) - [Archive]
Suyts Space - Because They Can't Engage — Smear Skeptics New Propaganda Piece Out By Greenpeace!!! Same As The Old Propaganda!!! (September 12, 2013) - [Archive]
Suyts Space - Warmists Piss Fighting About Imaginary Numbers And Imaginary Positions They Don’t Understand … But, You Can't Comment If You Have A Different Notion (June 5, 2014) - [Archive]
Tallbloke's Talkshop (UK) - Poptech: More Shenanigans at SniptopicalScience (September 12, 2012) - [Archive]
Tallbloke's Talkshop (UK) - AndThenTheresPhysics on Paraguayan Temperature Data (February 2, 2015) - [Archive]
The Air Vent - Skeptic Papers (April 22, 2010) - [Archive]
The Air Vent - What Matters, the Content or the Container (May 17, 2011) - [Archive]
The "Art" of Weather - Global Warming - [Archive]
The Australian Climate Sceptics (Australia) - If you can't stand the heat, how will you feel about an Ice Age? (October 2, 2010) - [Archive]
The Australian Climate Sceptics (Australia) - Wild, Weird Weather (March 1, 2014) - [Archive]
The Australian Climate Sceptics (Australia) - Time to revoke the Alarmists' licence to misrepresent and intimidate (January 7, 2015) - [Archive]
The Hockey Schtick - 500 Peer-Reviewed Papers Skeptical of "Man-Made" Global Warming (December 31, 2009) - [Archive]
The Hockey Schtick - Climate “Consensus” Con Game: Desperate Effort Before Release of UN Report (May 22, 2013) - [Archive]
The Hockey Schtick - Author of 1975 global cooling scare article now says 'It was accurate at the time' (January 11, 2014) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: Prominent Climatologists Skeptical of AGW Alarm (September 28, 2008) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Global warming melts from view now the economy's on ice (November 4, 2008) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Erika Lovely, Welcome to the Show - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online (November 26, 2008) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - YouTube - Inhofe-Markey Square Off on Climategate - CNN (December 7, 2009) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - John Kerry: Stunningly stupid, stunningly misinformed display from a guy who wants to reconfigure the US economy in response to a hoax (November 11, 2009) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: 750 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming Alarm (June 20, 2010) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: NASA Astronaut Legends Skeptical of AGW (June 25, 2010) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Department of Energy turns out to be the Energy Hog (July 8, 2010) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: 1,000 References of Global Cooling (December 13, 2010) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: 850 Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming (AGW) Alarm (January 15, 2011) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: 900+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism of "Man-Made" Global Warming (AGW) Alarm (April 13, 2011) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: The Truth about DeSmogBlog (April 18, 2011) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: The Truth About Greenfyre (May 2, 2011) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - And of Tim Flannery’s $180,000? (March 18, 2012) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: 1000+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skeptic Arguments Against ACC/AGW Alarm (May 18, 2012) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: The Truth about Judith Curry (May 27, 2012) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Earth to Richard Muller: We know that your incessant "I was skeptical until recently" schtick is complete BS. If it's not, then explain your quotes from 2008, and 2006, and 2003 (May 28, 2012) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: The Truth about Richard Muller (June 2, 2012) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: The Truth about Richard Muller (July 29, 2012) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - In the heat of battle - Environment (September 14, 2012) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Skeptical Science author John Hartz on the death of father of four Andrew Breitbart: "Ding dong, the witch is dead" (September 14, 2012) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Just Enough To Boil The Kettle (December 12, 2012) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Outgoing Energy Secretary Could Be Remembered For More Than Solyndra (March 1, 2013) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Madness of crowds: Western Washington University geologists write that skeptic Don Easterbrook's claims "require the existence of a broad, decades-long conspiracy amongst literally thousands of scientists to falsify climate data and to prevent publication of opposing research" (March 31, 2013) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - 4/13/13: Signs of Alaska spring while still buried in snow (April 16, 2013) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Uh oh: Warmist John Cook claimed that papers by skeptics Craig D. Idso, Nicola Scafetta, and Nir J. Shaviv endorsed CO2-induced global warming? (May 21, 2013) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: The Statistical Destruction of the 97% Consensus (June 1, 2013) - [Archive]
Tom Nelson - Popular Technology.net: 1970s Global Cooling Alarmism (December 22, 2013) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Reference: 450 skeptical peer reviewed papers (November 15, 2009) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Seven Eminent Physicists Skeptical of AGW (July 25, 2010) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Smear job by "The Carbon Brief" (May 14, 2011) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - On "Skepticalscience" – Rewriting History (October 11, 2011) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - The Cook-Lewandowsky Social-Internet Link (September 12, 2012) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - The Daily Lew – Issue 4 (September 14, 2012) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Skeptical Science gets Romm-Bombed (September 25, 2012) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - 'Skeptical Science', Shouting, and Joe Romm's integrity – a test (September 30, 2012) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Frontline responds to complaints about Oct 23 "Climate of Doubt": Here, the Rebuttal to Frontline that PBS Ombudsman Won’t Put Online (November 17, 2012) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - The 1970′s Global Cooling Compilation – looks much like today (March 1, 2013) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - WUWT milestone – 1 million comments (March 18, 2013) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Cook's 97% consensus study falsely classifies scientists' papers according to the scientists that published them (May 21, 2013) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Dana Nuccitelli's Twitter war with Richard Tol over that 97% consensus paper (May 23, 2013) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - The 97% consensus paper is starting to fall apart (May 27, 2013) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup (May 27, 2013) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Tol statistically deconstructs the 97% Consensus (June 1, 2013) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Quote of the Week – marketing the consensus before it's '97% Cooked' (June 4, 2013) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - The Copernicus-PRP fiasco: predictable and preventable (January 19, 2014) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - The silence of the Anti Defamation League suggests they endorse defamation of climate skeptics (March 3, 2014) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - 97 Articles Refuting The '97% Consensus' on global warming (December 19, 2014) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Friday Funny: 'civil dialog in the climate world' (February 6, 2015) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #202 (October 26, 2015) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #211 (December 27, 2015) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - Another one of my blog spawn goes up in flames (January 30, 2016) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - WUWT milestone 10 years (November 17, 2016) - [Archive]
Watts Up With That? - TV weatherman goes off on climate skeptics: "put up or shut up" (May 23, 2017) - [Archive
Climate Alarmists: DenialDepot - DeSmogBlog - Greenfyre (Mike Kaulbars) - Skeptical Science (John Cook) - SourceWatch - Stoat (William Connolley) - The Energy Collective - The Carbon Brief - Triple Pundit - Uppsala Initiative (Sweden), Weather Underground
Fabius Maximus - A look at the debate among climate scientists about global warming (July 31, 2012) - [Archive]
Fabius Maximus - Testing Skeptical Science: is Roger Pielke Sr. a climate misinformer? (July 24, 2015) - [Archive]
Independent Sentinel - Marijuana Might Lead to Brain Abnormalities, I Know, Let’s Legalize It (April 16, 2014) - [Archive]
Independent Sentinel - 150+ Scientific Studies Showing the Dangers of Marijuana (June 12, 2014) - [Archive]
Independent Sentinel - Global Warming, The New Political Science Of Our Era (October 29, 2014) - [Archive]
Independent Sentinel - Leftists Want You to Believe Only Whites Can Be Racist (January 5, 2015) - [Archive]
Independent Sentinel - Iffy Data Proves Undefinitively 2014 Warmest Year on Record (January 18, 2015) - [Archive]
Independent Sentinel - A Marxist President and a Fundamental Change We Can’t Recover From (June 11, 2015) - [Archive]
Independent Sentinel - Global Warming Alarmist Pope Francis Should Try This Link (June 20, 2015) - [Archive]
Independent Sentinel - Oh No, Help! Now We Have An Ice Age Coming! (July 14, 2015) - [Archive]
Independent Sentinel - Trump, Carly on Megan’s Bloody Eyes – Updates (August 9, 2015) - [Archive]
iOwnTheWorld - See, We Told Them So, But They Wouldn't Listen (December 20, 2014) - [Archive]
Moonbattery - Hacking Away at the Consensus Lie (November 3, 2007) - [Archive]
Moonbattery - So Much for the Goracle's Consensus (December 16, 2009) - [Archive]
Pamela Geller - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is Not Pollution (December 8, 2009) - [Archive]
Patterico's Pontifications - John Oliver Cites Phony Scientific Consensus in Favor of Global Warming, or Human Caused Global Warming, or Something (May 13, 2014) - [Archive]
Pirate's Cove - Warmists Trot Out New "97% Consensus" Paper (May 17, 2013) - [Archive]
Pirate's Cove - Bummer: Globull Warming Theory Has Failed (June 6, 2013) - [Archive]
Pirate's Cove - NY Times: Lying To People On Climate Change Is A Worthy Goal (August 13, 2015) - [Archive]
Small Dead Animals - Global Warming Cult Members on Display (March 23, 2014) - [Archive]
Small Dead Animals - The Sound Of Settled Science (February 14, 2014) - [Archive]
Small Dead Animals - Y2Kyoto: Meet Ken Rice (January 22, 2015) - [Archive]
Small Dead Animals - Y2Kyoto: Origin Of A Smear (April 10, 2015) - [Archive]
The Federalist Papers Project - Latest "Climate Change" Scam – The Coming Ice Age - [Archive]
The Gateway Pundit - Flashback: Global Warming Alarmists Caught Fudging Their “97-Percent Consensus” Report (March 13th, 2014) - [Archive]
Weasel Zippers - FLASHBACK: Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring “97% of Climate Scientists Agree” Claim… (March 12, 2014) - [Archive]
Various: Acting Man - AgoraVox (France) - Alerta em Rede [Alert Network] (Brazil) - Belgotopia (Belgium) - Canadian Liberty - Climategate česky [Climategate Czech] (Czech Republic) - Climatism - Common American Journal - Critical Thinking - Culture of Life News - Deft News - Die Kalte Sonne [The Cold Sun] (Germany) - DougRoss@Journal - Earth-Climate.com (Doug Cotton) - Environmental Law & Economics - EU Referendum - Every Kinda People (Hungary) - Flopping Aces - Global Cooling - Global Warming is Unfactual - Greenhouse Bullcrap - Green World Trust - Heliogenic Climate Change - Hide the decline - Impact of Climate Change - Information Revolution - Is There Global Cooling? - Kruse Kronicle - Lauri Gröhn (M.S.) - Liberty Unyielding - Luis Nassif Online (Brazil) - Medary - Mehr Freiheit [More Freedom] (Austria) - Meteo Portale Italia [Weather Portal Italy] (Italy) - Middle Tennessee Skeptics - Misanthrope Fiat (Australia) - Ockhams Scheermes [Occam's Razor] (Belgium) - Oregon Magazine - PA Pundits - Paradigms and Demographics - Pronk Palisades - Quid Sapio - Salisbury News - Science et politique [Science and politics] (France) - Skeptical Swedish Scientists - Social Conservatism - Speak Up America - Stockholms Initiativet [Stockholm Initiative] (Sweden) - Sustainable Oregon - Terri Jackson (M.Sc.) - The Dominion Frontier Project - The Dog Ate My Data - The War on Guns - The Lid (Jeff Dunetz) - The Bulletproof Patriot - The Universal Spectator - Vetenskaps Bloggen [Science Blog] (Sweden) - Watching Those "Who watch the Deniers" - WryHeat (Jonathan DuHamel M.S.) - Zero Base Thinking
The work you do to back up what you post is quite impressive.
Very informative!
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